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Checked Linen Fabric Plaid Material


Width of the bolt: 140cm (55″)
Weight: approx 200gr/m2
Composition: Linen/cotton/yarn blend dyed fabric
Square Size: approx 4cm x 4cm

Detailed introduction

Gingham Linen Checked Linen Fabric Plaid Material Buffalo Check Cotton Yarn -140cm wide- Red & White
Timeless lightweight linen is perfect for any kind of fashion, decoration, tablecloth, plaids, crafts, and would also work up beautifully into home fashions. This linen has got a lovely crisp feeling and as you wash it become softer and softer and more vintagey.

Width of the bolt: 140cm (55″)
Weight: approx 200gr/m2
Composition: Linen/cotton/yarn blend dyed fabric
Square Size: approx 4cm x 4cm

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